“Floral” by ADIDAS: A Bold Step into AI-driven Advertising

if you’re not already paying attention to AI in advertising, you’re about to. Case in point: the jaw-dropping speculative ad “Floral by ADIDAS,” created by Blair Vermette from RabbitHole. Using a powerful mix of AI tools like RunwayML, Midjourney, Adobe Creative Suite, and Topaz for upscaling, this prototype ad isn’t just a pretty picture. It’s a glimpse into where advertising is headed, and spoiler: it’s a wild, exciting ride.

So, what does this ad mean for creatives, advertisers, and brands who want to stay ahead of the game? Let’s break it down in a way that’s both smart and straight to the point—no fluff, just the good stuff.

AI + Creativity = A Match Made in Digital Heaven

If you’re still thinking AI is just for chatbots or writing really robotic emails, think again. Tools like RunwayML and Midjourney aren’t just sidekicks in the creative process anymore—they’re the new power duo. In “Floral by ADIDAS,” AI didn’t just assist; it essentially co-created with Vermette, making the entire project a love child of human imagination and machine precision.

This ad shows us how AI is no longer just a tool but a collaborator. That’s right—AI is pulling up a seat at the creative table and asking, “What if we did this?” And, honestly, we’re all better for it. The future? It’s a place where creatives use AI to unlock visions that would’ve been impossible even a few years ago. It’s not about AI stealing your job—it’s about AI giving you superpowers.

Speculative Design: The Cool Kid on the Block

We get it. You might be thinking, “But this isn’t even a real ad.” And, sure, you’re right. But speculative designs like this are far more than a creative thought experiment. They’re the trendsetters—the blueprint for what’s to come. Think of it like this: If today’s brands aren’t using AI to create ads yet, they will be. And if they’re not thinking outside the box? Well, they’re probably still trying to figure out how to use Instagram Stories.

“Floral by ADIDAS” is the kind of ad that makes brands sit up and say, “Wait, that’s possible?” And guess what? It is.

Want more proof that AI is setting the standard for next-gen design? Look no further than Nike’s AI-generated “Impossible Store” on Mars campaign. In a playful twist, Nike envisioned a futuristic store on Mars that could only exist through AI-generated concepts. It sparked conversations about innovation and pushed the boundaries of what retail could look like. That’s the future, folks. Customization at scale, driven by AI and imagination.

The Customization Revolution Is Coming (and It’s Personal)

Brands like Adidas and Nike are onto something. It’s not enough to just slap a logo on a billboard anymore and hope it sticks. Audiences want personal, and they want it now. With AI, the future of advertising looks like hyper-targeted, hyper-personalized campaigns that can speak to specific audiences at the right moment.

Take “Floral by ADIDAS”—sure, it’s beautiful, but imagine this: The ad could change based on your mood, the season, or even the last pair of sneakers you googled (no judgment). AI allows for an unprecedented level of customization, and brands that adopt this mindset will have customers eating out of their hands. The rest? Well, they’ll be wondering why they’re getting left behind.

Superpower, Not Competition: AI is Here to Enhance (Not Replace)

Let’s get one thing straight: AI isn’t coming for your job. Sure, it’s smart, and it can do some wild stuff, but it’s here to supercharge creativity, not squash it. Vermette’s work on “Floral by ADIDAS” perfectly illustrates how AI and humans can join forces to create something truly spectacular. Could an AI whip up a campaign like this alone? Maybe. But it wouldn’t have that oomph that only human creativity can bring. AI delivers precision; humans bring heart. Together? They’re a powerhouse.

So if you’re sweating over the thought of AI taking over your next big creative gig, chill out. It’s not about replacement; it’s about enhancing your abilities. Think of AI as your new, ridiculously smart creative sidekick—one that gives you the superpowers to take your work to extraordinary levels.

The Future of Advertising? Buckle Up.

It’s no secret that the world of advertising is changing fast. We’re no longer talking about 30-second TV spots or generic banner ads that get ignored like that distant cousin’s Facebook friend request. With AI-driven ads like “Floral by ADIDAS,” the future of branding is immersive, personalized, and constantly evolving.

And it’s not just Adidas leading the charge—everyone is getting in on the AI game. From speculative ads to hyper-targeted campaigns, brands that don’t embrace AI-powered creativity are already behind the curve.

So, What’s Next?

Honestly, we’re excited. AI is transforming industries faster than you can say “chatbot,” and the possibilities are endless. Want to keep up? Csek Creative is already exploring how AI can take our clients’ branding to the next level. Whether it’s building immersive, real-time campaigns or creating personalized content that speaks directly to your audience, we’ve got our eyes on the future—and trust us, it’s bright (and probably AI-generated).

Don’t know where to start, take our free assessment now!

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